Came to work today with a sandwich, a cup of yogurt, and an apple for lunch. Yum.
First thing I do when I come in to work is dig through my backpack for food that needs to be refrigerated (in this case, the yogurt). So I open up the fridge door and guess what I see sitting on the top shelf?
An apple.
My apple.
The apple I brought for lunch on Friday but wasn't hungry for and so I left it here thinking I would eat it today, Tuesday, but completely forgot about it and so I brought another apple with me this morning.
It's really not that big of a deal until you realize that this is the fourth consecutive time I've done this. And it's always with fruit. And I'm always bewildered.
Just last week, I was slicing up a plum to take for lunch thinking, "Isn't this a clever idea? Oh it will be so tasty." Got to work and on the top shelf of the fridge there's a tupperware container, my tupperware container, with plum slices showing through its clear plastic sides. How in the world...??
It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the Twilight Zone themesong playing in the background. It makes the whole situation a lot wierder than it needs to be.
Spelled weird wrong. But, yes, forgetfulness is an old thing. In fact, just the other day my great grandfather . . . something.