17 March 2010

title? Anyone?

Sociology class was extremely difficult on Monday. We had a "discussion" (if you could call it that) about gender roles within the LDS religion.

There was no objective viewpoint in the room. Some got defensive. Some got emotional. And the rest, like me, endured in silence while prodding and troubling questions flew across the room.

The questions were born from sincere and respectful curiosity. I appreciate that.

It's the answers that were given to those questions that made me sick. My classmates' blind ignorance and narrow points of view honestly shocked me.

I wish I could have participated more actively, but the truth is that I'm searching for the exact same answers.

The difference is faith.

I learned that many are just as confused as I am. Many justify the contradictions by fudging the facts. Others simply ignore them.

But we all depend on faith.


  1. Honestly, there is some degree of . . . snobbinality that seems to follow the church, some from in the church, some from without. Those that are earnestly seeking will find it eventually, and those to arrogant to get off of their high horse will just have to be wrong. And I'm okay with that.


  2. I think you mean "...and those *too* arrogant to get off their high horse..." Oh-ho! Lookout Grammar-Geek, I'm on to you!

    But in all seriousness, I think you'll find "snobbinality" wherever you go, in whatever circle you enter, it's just human nature. You learn to accept it and live with it.

  3. Oh no! *Cries in corner* The horrible thing is that I saw that and thought I fixed it before sending it off. Gross. I'm disgusted with myself.

