08 April 2010

My titles never Match my Posts

We may be coming up on our final Blockhead entries. Sad for you (maybe), but I couldn't be happier about it. My life will be Blockhead-free as soon as the semester is over and for all of summer after that.

I might be rid of him even sooner than the start of summer. Let me tell you why:

We're both workstudy students (that's not the reason why...keep reading). That means we're awarded a certain amount of money at the beginning of the semester that we're allowed to work for (it sounds fishy to me, too, but it's a job so i don't complain). The amount you're given will determine how many hours you get to work per week and at what pay rate. 

With me so far?

I figured out with my supervisor that if I work exactly 20 hours a week, every week of the semester, I earn every last cent of my award without going over.
 *deep scary voice*  
They don't like it when you go over your hours.
*normal voice again*
 So I don't go over my hours.

Blockhead does it All. The. Time. He's notorious for it. I'm not sure what part of the process he doesn't understand. And wouldn't you know it, he's gone over his hours already this semester, so since he's out of money, he no longer works here.


He still comes by the office every day. He checks the paper in the copier and checks the mail (even though that's my job and it's always done before he gets here). He also likes to use the computer to finish his research papers.
Blockhead, there are computer labs all over campus that are meant specifically for students to use for homework. THE OFFICE COMPUTER IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

I don't feel bad using the office computer to do homework while I'm here because I use it after all my work is done and during my shift. I have to be in front of this computer between certain hours of the day anyway, I might as well be getting something done. Outside of those hours, I use the public computers.

Not really sure why Blockhead has to do it differently.

Maybe he doesn't  know there are four, separate, large computer labs on campus. Maybe he's avoiding a stalker who hangs out around the student computers. Maybe he's afraid of large public places.

Or maybe he's just a blockhead.


  1. Work-study are not the only people who don't like it when you go over hours. According to the Geology department I had somehow accrued 60 hours too many over the course of the semester. And since my last pay-check was going to be (oh so convenient for them) roughly 60 hours again. They completely took away that pay check to "balance things out" because apparently I had forgot about the contract I signed in March 09 saying I couldn't go over so many hours per week during the semester, but instead of informing me the minute I started accruing too many hours, they just let it all pile up and then YOINK!! took away an entire paycheck. Employment bites the big one sometimes.

  2. Blockhead is leaving?! But he's the major source of your material!


  3. No. Blockhead is supposed to be leaving, but apparently he's not. I'll write about that soon.

    Hobie - That totally, totally sucks. A lot. I am sorry.
