22 April 2010

humming Absent-mindedly Through class

Ever have one of those days where everything just falls into place?

  • The class I've been on the waitlist for opened up this morning so I could register. It's now official, and my class schedule is set for Fall.
  • I found a summer job, and my teacher is willing to let me take the Final half an hour early so I can make it to my training meeting on time.
  • I finished one of my Finals today; it's done, over, forever behind me.
  • My bills are all paid.
  • I get to draw tonight. :)

It's been a long time since I've had a day like this. It surprises me how good it feels. It's the kind of good that makes your step a little lighter and your vision a little clearer. It also makes you a little paranoid about what's waiting for you at home. Or makes you a little guilty for so completely enjoying the moment, when you know people who are really hating life right now. My mind feels less cluttered, but a bittersweet twinge of wariness lingers in the cleared corners.

I'm not sure I trust this good feeling. I'll just enjoy it for as long as it lasts, and not worry about the "as long as it lasts" part.

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