01 December 2010

death By aromatics

I'm not gonna lie, I don't feel great today. It started about 4:00 a.m. last night/this morning. I remember going to roll over and being struck with the overwhelming urge to vomit.

I kept it down, but I moved with a lot more caution the rest of the night.

I didn't have breakfast. I can't finish my lunch. Plus, Blockhead just microwaved something nasty and the smell of it is wafting throughout the office. It's something like epoxy glue combined with dog mess. And he's eating it. Blegh. I'm not going to ask him what it is; I don't want to know.

I'm not sure why, but he'll only microwave it for two minutes at a time. The first three times I thought it was part of the cooking directions, but eight times?? Dude, just put it in there for 16 straight minutes. The microwave can handle it. I promise.

I just want him to hurry up and eat whatever-it-is so I don't have to smell it anymore.

Oh the queasy ache... Blegh. I've got to focus my energy on not losing my lunch.

Gawsh, I hate getting sick.

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