14 October 2010

second Thoughts...we All Have 'em

I'm good at math. I really am. Not a lot of people are, so I do take some pride in the fact.

I think I could be good at science. I got the highest marks of my classes on most, if not all, of my tests in Biology, Astronomy, and Chemistry. Intro classes, sure, but a lot of it made sense and I enjoyed studying those subjects.

I could've qualified for grants and scholarships as a woman in a predominantly male field of either math or science, or both.

Instead I'm in my kitchen at 11:00 at night trying to stick leaves to a giant piece of paper with rubber cement.

Did you catch that? Leaves - as in, from various trees around town. On a giant piece of paper - the thing takes up my whole kitchen table. Rubber cement - 'nuff said.

Am I crazy??

I think I must be. A little.

People say I'm a good artist. A classmate once said he was actually jealous of me. Apparently "everything" I "create comes out amazing." That's nice.


But there are times when I honestly wonder if I'm wasting myself (and the government's money) by studying this stuff. Oh sure, I love what I do, but it's not going to cure cancer. I'm not even making any bold political statements.

I'm just sticking leaves to a giant piece of paper with rubber cement.

It's a little late in the game to change my major but...

...holy crap, what am I doing??


  1. Maybe you should be a writer.. . I'm just sayin'. . .

  2. I just think it's funny that you and Lee both keep pulling that line on me. Truthfully, I haven't written a single sentence of any worth since your class. ...actually, that's not true, there are quite a few sentences on this very blog that I'm quite fond of...but outside of that, hardly any worthwhile sentences have been/are being written by me. Honest.
    On an unrelated note: thanks for following :) I can't lie, I'm a little intimidated by your awesome-ness, so it means a lot that you're taking time to follow my lowly and humble blog. Glad you found me :D
