I haven't felt well for the past couple of days. I'm not sure what the problem is. It's mostly my stomach, some nausea, but it's not a bug or virus...I won't go into too many details because it's
personal. Very personal. Moving on...
(at least it's not "morning sickness")
I've also felt depressed. Am I depressed because I don't physically feel well, or do I not physically feel well because I'm depressed?
Does it matter?
I'm bitter towards skinny people.
How dare you make me feel guilty for snarfing an entire bag of chocolate covered peanuts in one sitting. Don't you judge me!
I'll just stare at them until they feel guilty for not eating more than one stale cracker within the last three days.
Stupid skinny people.
Today is the one-year mark of this blog. I really didn't think anyone would be interested in reading my pointless ramble, yet here we are, a year later, with 7 followers. (that sounded so occult-ish, didn't it? "followers") That means there are 3 people who actually read the blog. How exciting!
Blogger's HTML is being temperamental again. Baffling. There's no logical reason for it to behave this way.
What am I writing about? It's so aimless and spasmodic. Kind of like my entire Wednesday has been. (penguins!) A lot like my whole week has been.
What were we saying?
My thoughts no longer make sense. (did they ever?) I'm going to get myself some soup, curl up in bed with a good book (The Book Thief, if you haven't read it, then you need to. there's no other book quite like it) and actively give no thought to school, homework, or today's caloric intake.
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