Anything I could possibly say has already been, undoubtedly, said. By much wiser and more knowledgeable people than me, I might add. What can I add? Why do my thoughts matter? Do they matter?
I used to have witty things to say, funny stories to unravel, and I might again someday; but now that we're in the throes of Finals Week my mind is a constant to-do list on "Repeat and Shuffle All." Dulls my senses.
For some reason the really important things on my to-do list only come to me after mid-night. They clench my chest and brutally shake the canvas of my mind. I take a deep breath, listen to the soft breathing of my husband beside me, and tell myself to deal with it in the morning. But these things, these nasty pestering things, don't seem to like the light of day and persistently wait until nightfall to re-emerge.
Class starts in ten minutes. And after that I...blank. Where is my to-do list when I need it? What was I going to do before leaving campus? Finish this post? No, probably not.
It'll come around again on the Replay.
I just broke my desk drawer. Awkward. There's my cue to exit.
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