My garbage disposal ate a plastic spoon today.

It's been in a bad mood ever since.
Speaking of bad moods!
I had a dream last night that I and a group of random people were trying to complete some sort of task, but we couldn't communicate or get anything done because in the background, blaring on the radio, was Taylor Swift's song Romeo and Juliet (that's probably not the title, but you know the song I'm talking about).
Over and over and over and over and over and...
Then I woke up and the song WOULD NOT get out of my head. If there was even a small pause in my stream of thought, the song would start up again.
I've had songs stuck in my head before, but they've never been this persistent or aggressive before!
Every time it would start going again I'd yell as loud as I could (in my head) "Shut UP Taylor and leave me alone!!!" The song is gone now (after several hours of listening to a plethora of other songs and artists) but I still feel on edge and slightly schizophrenic.
My deepest sympathies. I have wished Taylor Swift the the bottom of the ocean so many times, and she just keeps hanging around. I think I need to take more direct action. Things could be worse though. You could become completely and utterly obsessed with a single song like I get sometimes. One song will strike me as cool and I will inevitably play it 30 or 40 times in a single day. Curse you iTunes for keeping track of how often I listen to my music! Then I listen to that same song another 30 or 40 times the next day. After usually 3 or 4 days I wake up and never want to hear the song again. That's pretty much the pattern. Some of my once all-consuming music has not been played in years. I'm such a nut job sometimes. So be thankful that you got Taylor out of your head.
ReplyDeleteA. Twirl