14 January 2010

i'm Too educated for This Kind Of behavior

I was studying the other day, as I am wont to do, when this guy plops down at the table next to me.  I tried to keep studying, not looking at him (we americans are so weird that way), but after a while...well...here's what happened.

The mystery man was wearing a bandanna around his forehead, an old t-shirt, and torn jeans.  He was heavy, a bit of a pot-belly, with iPod earbuds in and music turned up.  He had three different bags that he would periodically grab food from and stuff into his mouth.  And he was a noisy eater.  Chewed with is mouth open, wouldn't (or maybe couldn't?) breathe through his nose, added to the fact that he couldn't hear himself.  So I'm eating my own peanut butter and jelly sandwich while listening to stomach churning noises of animal-like breathing, the slop of saliva and chomping of teeth, with occasional grunts.


I'm not impressed with this guy.  He's a slob, his clothes are sloppy, and he's obviously lacking in crucial social skills.  Involuntarily I started making snap judgements about his adademic ability and average gpa, niether of which were very impressive in my mind.

Someone who knew him came up and started a casual conversation - "Hey, how ya doin? What classes ya takin?" - you've been there.  I couldn't help but overhear.

This slob is apparently learning German, taking a class on Shakespeare, literary criticism, plus two Honors classes, and is actively involved in our school's government and politics.


I'm a jerk.

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