20 July 2012

songs And Kids and Life

I woke up with this terrible song from the 90's stuck in my head. I don't even know the artist or the whole song, just the chorus phrase:

"Paaaasionate kisses...frooom yoooou."

Over and over and over. The worst.

So to mix it up and keep myself from going crazy, I started to sing the original lyrics (or, rather, what I originally believed to be the lyrics when I first heard the song at age five).

"Maaatches and peaches....foooor yoooou."

Imagine a precocious 5 year old, singing loudly and earnestly at the kitchen table, "Maaatches and peaches! Foooor yooou!" Can you see it? Yeah...that was me.

I remember my mom trying not to laugh as she asked me the reasoning behind matches and peaches being in a love song. It wasn't just a lack of enunciation on the part of the singer, I had also employed the power of logical reasoning to deduce what the song was about.

Matches make fire. Fire is the source of heat and light. Fire gives us life. Just look at our Sun - a giant, glorious ball of eternal fire. Matches are like miniature versions of the power of the Sun. Of course you would want to give your loved one matches.
Matches = the ultimate Life Source (you can see what a poetic old soul I was back then).

And my grandmother's canned peaches were the most delicious thing I'd ever tasted in my young life. So, you know. No brainer on that one.

Matches and peaches seemed like the most obvious love tokens anyone could give.

As daunting as the prospect of motherhood can be, I must admit that I look forward to having similar conversations with my own precocious five year old. I guess you've got to go through painful labor and delivery and long periods of postpartum recovery, sleep deprivation, and some nasty diaper changing to get to that point...*shudder*

Just gotta hope that matches and peaches will make it all worth it.


  1. Mary Chapen Carpenter is the artist. And I do so love that memory. Pretty sure it was Bell that sang it though. O.O Memory is a tricksy thing. ;) Mom

  2. Wha-? Aw crap, it probably was Bell. But I got plenty of song lyrics wrong as well. Consider it Storyteller's License. :)
