30 August 2011

I regret My Decisions

I ate three chocolate chip cookies for dinner.


I let my car's plates expire and didn't drive it for a few months and then the city towed it away and I just sat around hoping that it would be the end of my car (stupid-effing-gar-grumblegrumble-dadgummit-dumb-car!) and that there would be no subsequent consequences.

There's now a $270 fine waiting for me to pay it off. (stupid-effing-gar-grumblegrumble-dadgummit-dumb-car!)

-I really hate my car, guys. It has cost me more grief and money than any other single element in my life. And there are a lot more details in the story of why the plates expired and why I didn't drive it, but those details are not interesting enough for me to want to type them. So withhold your judgement. Just wanted you to know. -

And I just remembered:
I've had a reimbursement check from an insurance company in my purse for several days now, and all I have to do to deposit that into my bank account is leave for work 10-15 minutes earlier than I usually do. And I haven't yet. Why? I play my Gamecube until the last possible minute, and then I rush out the door and hope against hope that I won't be late for work.


Oh groan. Oh fail.

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