I went on a camping trip earlier this week. And I'm not a camper (as those of you who know me are aware). But you know what?
It was okay.
I spent time with family that I haven't seen in a long time. We played games that I have missed playing. I slept (a lot) which felt great. I relaxed, watched the stars, shared good food and much laughter.
And then it was time to go home. (dun dun dun)
We took down the tent, packed up all our belongings that had scattered through the campsite and into the other tent (o.O) and then we had to tote all those heavy bags to the car and then we had to gather the food that we hadn't eaten and figure out what belonged to who and who wanted what and which cooler it should be separated into...gah! And then we toted those coolers to the car and the sleeping bags and foam pad and dutch ovens and roasting sticks and blankets and utensils and random plastic bins and the camping stove and games and chairs (deep breath) and toted all of that into the car.
Drove home and proceeded to unload aaaaaaaall that stuff back into the apartment. Gah!
And then I (and husband) unpacked all of it and put it all away, which required some creative reorganizing of our closets, and then I (not husband) washed all of the dishes that we had used during the trip as well as all the dishes I didn't have the energy to wash before we left.
More exhausted.
What is the point of going on a vacation if you feel like this when you get back? I'm more worn out now than I was before we left. I just want to go to bed and not move FOR. EVER.
But I have work in the morning.
Conclusion: I may give this camping-thing another chance (maybe), but I'm never going camping with mononucleiosis ever again.
=__= (<----- I don't actually know what this face officially means, but it looks tired to me. And that's what I'm trying to convey. Tired.)