I heard back from the doctor today. Apparently, according to my blood-work, I am currently in the "recovery stages" of mononucleosis.
Which means I've had it for...a while.
Woah, wait a minute...do you remember June 20's post where I made references to how tired I was and how I was trying to expend the least amount of energy possible?
That was totally mono.
And you remember way back on June 1st how was talking about being/getting sick and being so tired I developed a brief dependence on caffeine?
Again. That was totally the mono.
Holy cow, that means I've been battling this virus for almost two months (o.O) and they couldn't even tell me what it was until today.
Not that the knowledge could have benefited me that much if I'd known earlier...but still.
It's comforting to know that I'm in the last stretch of this thing and that it will not go on forever. Also, I now have a valid reason for having not gotten anything done in the last two months: I'm not lazy - I have mono.
I have every intention of using this as a crutch and a shameless ploy for pity as often as I can, for as long as this "recovery stage" lasts.
I've got to go to bed now, I'm falling asleep at the keyboard, why do I stay up this late when I know that I have mono?? Gah!!! I'm an adult, for pity sake - I've got to take better care of myself!
I hope you feel better.