02 May 2011

lost in The haze That Has become My life

Yay Summer!

Yay for having no control over my schedule! Yay for having absolutely zero ability to commit to any future plans! Yay for not knowing what-the-crap is going on!

Yay. Yay. Yay.

I have two jobs, both part time, but I'm not really sure if I'll even be keeping the one. It depends on if I take a summer class, and that depends on if I get financial aid to take that class, but do I even want to take that class...WHAT THE CRAP AM I DOING?

No one knows.

Finances have become tight and I'm realizing that I'm sick and tired of being poor. Really. It's too much work and effort and energy to make my limited salary stretch across my living expenses.

School has made me poor. I used to/still do love school. The ideals of getting an education and living the life of a student: I recommend it to anybody, at least once. But it's hampering my ability to make money by taking up all of my time and energy.

So, for now, I'm done with you, School. I feel like we're going in different directions, and I think it'd be best if we part ways for now. But, if the powers that be will it, I sincerely hope we cross paths again.

P.S. - Unless I get financial aid for that summer class, in which case, School and I will be getting back together.

I didn't know I was such a user. I'm just stringing School along for as long as I deem It useful. In turn, School is dominating my time, controlling my decisions, and putting Its needs above my own. This is a terrible, dysfunctional relationship. I should just end it, for everyone's sake. It would be the better, nobler thing to do...

...unless I get that financial aid.

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