20 June 2013

the Adulthood facade

I'm slowly but surely being inducted into a group of mothers. We talk about "mom stuff." You know, pediatrician visits, where to get cheap kid's clothing, funny kid moments and embarrassing mother-of-the-year moments.

I'm pretty good at pretending to be an adult with this group. I think I've got them fooled.

After these camaraderie visits, I go home, set the baby on the floor with her toys and I play video games for awhile. Read webcomics. Draw goofy comicstrips in my sketchbook.
I'm 26 but I still pass the time like a 16 year old.

It amuses me to imagine what the other mothers would think if they could see my typical afternoons.

In my defense, I did vacuum today. AND cooked breakfast. AND did laundry. I'm not a total loafer.

Granted, I haven't showered, done dishes, or swept...BUT my Jester in Gauntlet: Dark Legacy is now at level 50. So, you know...

...obviously I've been busy today.

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